This PPG aims to develop a project proposal to strengthen the production and export capacity of the apiculture industry in the Pacific Islands region. The final project proposal will require a two-pronged approach to assess the disease status of the different islands. The initial focus will be on seven countries, those that are disease-free (Niue and Samoa) and those that have varroa mites and/or undesirable genetics (Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and Tonga).
The Pacific region has a unique biodiversity that supports a range of plant species suitable for beekeeping, making it an ideal location for the development of apiculture. Beekeeping has the potential to promote environmental conservation by encouraging the growth of flowering plants that support bee populations and supporting the production of agricultural commodities that require pollination. Honey and other bee-related products, such as beeswax and propolis, have significant economic value and are in high demand in international markets, indicating that the development of the industry could be a significant source of export earnings.