
An external evaluation of the STDF was carried out by Project Economics Consulting from October 2023 to May 2024. The evaluation takes an in-depth look at the overall performance of STDF’s global partnership across all its work areas, with a focus on the current Strategy period (2020-2024).

The report, which is the fifth evaluation of the STDF to date, highlights STDF's continued relevance and sets out six strategic recommendations to shape its future direction.

Highlights from the evaluation include: 

"The STDF has met both of its programmatic objectives by delivering significant and tangible results, across all three work streams."

"The STDF has increased SPS capacity in developing countries as measured through contributions to legislation, strategies, structures and/or processes relating to SPS, and improved implementation of trade-focused measures for enforcement of food safety, plant and animal health."

"STDF’s work largely aligns with its partners and with other major SPS and safe trade initiatives."

"The STDF model has made efficient use of time and resources to deliver results."

"Stakeholders, overall, are highly satisfied with the progress and performance of STDF."

Previous Evaluations

Five independent evaluations of the STDF have been undertaken to date.

  • TripleLine Consulting (2005)- Download Report

The first evaluation led to the adoption of STDF’s Medium Term Strategy 2007-2011.

  • Stuart Slorach (2008)- Download Report

The second evaluation highlighted that STDF carries out an important role that no other organization would be able to accomplish.

  • Saana Consulting (2014) - Download Report

The third evaluation, which reviewed the period 2009-2013, noted that “the results are impressive and a testament to the effective operation of the STDF."

  • Nathan Associates (2019) - Download Report

The fourth evaluation, which reviewed the period 2014-2019, highlighted that “the STDF and the STDF Secretariat have delivered outputs and results beyond what might be expected given their budget and resources."