STDF Guide: Good regulatory practices to improve SPS measures

13:30-14:45 CET

Watch the recording of the session HERE

On 3 November 2021, the STDF will launch its Guide on Good Regulatory Practices (GRPs) to help improve the quality and effectiveness of SPS measures and ensure that SPS measures are fit for purpose.

The Guide offers practical guidance to navigate and implement key GRPs when designing, developing, and reviewing SPS measures, such as internal coordination of regulation, international regulatory cooperation, stakeholder engagement, mechanisms to take stock of existing regulatory measures, forward-looking regulatory agendas, regulatory impact assessments, and monitoring or evaluation tools. The Guide may also be used to support capacity development at country level, including within the framework of capacity development projects funded by the STDF.   

Join the online discussion on Wednesday 3 November @ 13:30-14:45 (CET)


Opening Remarks
Mr Melvin Spreij, Head, STDF Secretariat

Overview of the STDF Guide
Ms Camille Fléchet, Dispute Settlement Lawyer, WTO Secretariat

Panel Discussion
Moderator: Ms Marlynne Hopper, Deputy Head, STDF Secretariat


  • Ms Martha Byanyima, TRASE Project, Land O'Lakes Venture 37
  • Ms Mary Grace Mandigma and Dr Alpha Mateo-Lanuza, Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards (Philippines), discussing STDF/PPG/722.
  • Mr Marcelo Valverde, Directorate of Technical Requirements for Foreign Trade, Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Peru)