This project aims to enhance clarity, predictability, and regulatory coordination on SPS/TBT regulations affecting trade, through an increased uptake of ePing in five beneficiary countries (Kenya, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda). Through technological enhancements of the ePing platform and new capacity building approaches, the project seeks to make it easier for public and private sector users to keep abreast of and communicate on SPS and TBT measures affecting trade. Given the similarities between WTO notification procedures for SPS and TBT measures, their management under the same ePing Platform, and the ultimate interest of agri-food exporters to comply with product requirements, this project takes a holistic approach to regulatory transparency, which involves both SPS and TBT measures.
WTO Members notify more than 6,000 new or changed regulations annually under the SPS and TBT Agreements. This transparency helps ensure that trading partners are given advance notice of changes in SPS and TBT requirements and the possibility to comment on draft regulations. Considering the volume as well as the diversity of new or altered regulations, it can be a challenge for interested stakeholders, particularly from developing countries, to track, adapt or react to changing requirements.
The ePing SPS&TBT Platform (ePing) is a unique global tool that allows public and private users to track, notify and communicate on SPS and TBT measures. UNDESA built the pilot version of ePing as part of a capacity building project for LDCs; however, the WTO is now responsible for maintaining and enhancing the system. ePing is free to use, and virtually all SPS and TBT notifications are now submitted through the system by WTO Members. There are currently over 23,000 users registered in the Platform worldwide, around one half from governments and the other half from companies, NGOs, academia and international/regional organizations.
Registered users have the ability to discuss notifications of interest with other domestic stakeholders through an ePing national forum function. Furthermore, ePing also has an international forum function that allows governments to share documents such as unofficial translations with other governments in a timely and transparent manner. Thus, by facilitating timely access and dialogue on regulatory developments worldwide, ePing can help reduce trade costs and frictions and facilitate safe trade.