
The STDF provides funding for the development and implementation of collaborative and innovative SPS projects.

Project Preparation Grants

Funds up to US$ 50,000 are available for PPGs to prepare technically sound and sustainable projects.

Grants can involve the application of SPS-related capacity evaluation tools, preparation of feasibility studies and/or formulation of project proposals to address specific SPS capacity building needs linked to trade.

Resulting projects may receive funding from the STDF, or from other funding sources.

Applicants are encouraged to consult other potential donors when developing and implementing PPG applications.

PPG - Project Preparation Grants

Checklist of items before proceeding with an online submission:

Download and fill out the STDF Project Preparation Grant Application Form

Verify that the beneficiary country or territory appears on the OECD DAC List

Obtain letters of support from all relevant government ministries, industry associations, private enterprises, etc.

PG - Project Grants

Checklist of items before proceeding with an online submission:

Download and fill out the STDF Project Preparation Grant Application Form

Verify that the beneficiary country or territory appears on the OECD DAC List

Obtain letters of support from all relevant government ministries, industry associations, private enterprises, etc.

Project Grants

Funds up to US$ 1,000,000 are available for PGs that improve food safety, animal and plant health capacity to comply with international sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements.

Grants are expected to help address particular SPS challenges or issues that affect trade to international markets.

Beneficiaries must contribute to the project from their own resources, either in the form of financing or in-kind contributions such as staff time, use of premises, vehicles or other existing assets.

The beneficiaries’ own contribution to the project depends on criteria indicated in the Guidance Note for Applicants.

PPG - Project Preparation Grants

Checklist of items before proceeding with an online submission:

Download and fill out the STDF Project Preparation Grant Application Form

Verify that the beneficiary country or territory appears on the OECD DAC List

Obtain letters of support from all relevant government ministries, industry associations, private enterprises, etc.

PG - Project Grants

Checklist of items before proceeding with an online submission:

Download and fill out the STDF Project Preparation Grant Application Form

Verify that the beneficiary country or territory appears on the OECD DAC List

Obtain letters of support from all relevant government ministries, industry associations, private enterprises, etc.


The STDF can only provide funding to developing countries that appear on the OECD Development Assistance Committee's list of Official Development Assistance recipients. Send a brief concept note of your potential grant for comments to:

Next deadline for submission of proposals: 1 August 2025. Proposals will be considered by the STDF in November 2025.

Applications for STDF grants should be submitted using the online form below.

Apply for funding

Project Preparation Grants
Project Grants
PPG Application form 
PG Application form 
Is this the first time you are submitting this application*
If more than one, please write them in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
Organization details
Online Submission Form
Is this the first time you are submitting this application?
Is this application a result of an STDF project preparation grant (PPG)?
If more than one, please write them in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
If more than one, please write them in alphabetical order, separated by commas.
Complete and upload documents
Mitigación de la contaminación por aflatoxinas del maní (cacahuetes) en la India
Project card 1,
used on the Explore Projects page, cards view
Project card 2, used on the Explore Projects page, list view