Cambio climático

El estudio de las consecuencias del cambio climático en lo que respecta a los riesgos de inocuidad de los alimentos y sanidad animal y vegetal es relativamente nuevo. Ahora bien, las pruebas presentadas en varios estudios recientes son claras: el cambio climático es uno de los factores de la evolución mundial que están contribuyendo a la aparición de riesgos nuevos en las esferas de la inocuidad de los alimentos y la sanidad de los animales y los vegetales, o están agravando los riesgos existentes.

  • Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on the Global Food System: During Climate Change Week at the STDF, a series of four inter-connected webinars brought together partners and stakeholders on the ground to explore the impact of climate change on sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) issues, and identify opportunities to respond to emerging risks and facilitate safe trade. For more information on each session, including speakers and topic angles, visit the webinar webpage. An overview of climate change-related work by the STDF and its partners is available HERE.


  • Climate change, sanitary and phytosanitary measures and agricultural trade: The STDF has contributed to this background paper by FAO for the State of Agricultural Commodity Markets (SOCO) 2018. The paper sets out the linkages between climate change, agricultural trade and SPS measures and key recommendations on how to overcome the SPS threats posed by climate change. 


  • Publication on climate change and trade: This paper seeks to raise awareness about issues related to SPS risks and standards in the context of agri-food trade and climate change. It analyses the scientific understanding of the relationship between climate change, food safety, plant pests, animal diseases and trade, and it identifies and discusses four key areas for future policy consideration, notably risk assessment, SPS capacity in developing countries, climate change resilience and basic research challenges.
Briefing on Climate Change
892.55 KB
Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on the Global Food System
157.18 KB
Climate Change, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and Agricultural Trade
1.59 MB
Climate Change and Trade: The link to sanitary and phytosanitary standards
915.33 KB

Read STDF's latest briefing note calling for stronger SPS systems to mitigate and adapt to climate change.