The SPS Electronic Certification Advisory Committee (ECAC) convenes and connects stakeholders with an interest in SPS e-Cert to exchange experiences, identify opportunities for collaboration, promote synergies and disseminate good practices to drive catalytic SPS improvements that facilitate safe trade.

SPS international standard setting bodies are at various stages of supporting the implementation of SPS e-Cert to facilitate safe trade. In addition, various regional organizations are advancing the development of initiatives to facilitate the exchange and use of electronic certificates. Many of these initiatives have significant implications for the trade in agriculture and agri-food products. These initiatives also have significant implications for the business processes of national government agencies and will impact on industry too. In parallel, countries are advancing in the implementation of national single windows.

In October 2019, the ECAC was created, under the auspices of the STDF, to bring together the organizations interested in SPS e-Cert and share information and experiences related to the implementation of e-Cert initiatives, facilitate linkages and synergies between these different initiatives, maximize outputs and avoid duplication.


The main functions of the ECAC are: 

  • Provide a discussion forum to share experiences related to the implementation of SPS e-Cert activities and initiatives across various standard setting bodies to achieve a strategic, integrated and ordered approach;
  • Provide advice to the STDF Working Group on specific issues brought to its attention by its members and propose suggestions and recommendations for future developments;
  • Share information regarding developments occurring in e-Cert initiatives including providing information regarding projects or proposed projects in which e-Cert is an integral component;
  • Develop projects to enhance harmonization across e-Cert, building upon existing approaches and initiatives (e.g. ePhyto, eVet, Single Windows, eCITES, etc.)
  • Identify opportunities for collaboration between international organizations undertaking e-Cert and data exchange initiatives;
  • Identify resource needs and opportunities related to e-Cert initiatives and provide guidance and assistance in fundraising efforts and cooperation on capacity development efforts.


  1. First virtual meeting, 18 March 2020 - Summary report
  2. Second virtual meeting, 24 June 2020 - Summary report; Presentation: EU TRACES Overview (Mr. Philippe Loopuyt - European Commission)
  3. Third virtual meeting, 02 December 2020 - Summary report; Presentation: UN/CEFACT eCert Implementation Guidelines (Mr. Frans van Diepen - UN/CEFACT domain coordinator)
  4. Fourth virtual meeting, 15 April 2021 - Summary report; Presentation: OECD Digital opportunities for SPS systems and the trade facilitation effects of SPS electronic certification (Mr. Frank van Tongeren & Mr. Tom Baragwanath - OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate)
  5. Fifth virtual meeting, 23 November 2021 - Summary report; Presentation and discussion on the new Codex Guidelines on paperless use of electronic certificates (Mr. Erik Bosker, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of The Netherlands)
  6. Sixth virtual meeting, 16 November 2022 - Summary report; Presentation: the Trade Logistics Information Pipeline (TLIP) system (Mr. Jens Lund-Nielsen and Mr. Jose Cantera, IOTA Foundation)
  7. Seventh virtual meeting, 10 May 2023 - Summary report; Presentation: "Electronic Sanitary Certification for Animal Products: Opportunities and Challenges" (Ms. Ellie Avery - OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate)
  8. Eigth virtual meeting, 25 October 2023 - Summary report; Presentation: "ePhyto Solution Evaluation" (Mr. Neil Pogorelsky - Independent Consultant)
  9. Nineth virtual meeting, 03 July 2024 - Summary report; Presentation: "Cost-Benefit Analyses of ePhyto Adoption" (Anne-Christelle Ott, FAO); "Impact of ePhyto Solution on Global Agrifood Trade" (Evgeniya Koroleva, FAO)

Relevant information related to e-Cert


Organization Name Link
CITES Secretariat eCITES Implementation Framework https://cites.org/eng/prog/eCITES
Codex Secretariat Guidance on paperless use of electronic certificates https://www.fao.org/fao-who-codexalimentarius/news-and-events/news-details/fr/c/1412486/ 
The Global Alliance for Trade Facilitation Supporting countries to introduce ePhytos https://www.tradefacilitation.org/the-ephyto-solution/
IPPC Secretariat ePhyto Solution https://www.ephytoexchange.org/landing/
OIE Facilitating e-Veterinary certification based on Single Window system https://www.standardsfacility.org/PG-609
UNCTAD UNCTAD eCITES BaseSolution https://ecites.asycuda.org/#/home/default
UNESCAP Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific https://www.unescap.org/resources/framework-agreement-facilitation-cross-border-paperless-trade-asia-and-pacific
UN Global Survey on Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation Trade Facilitation & Paperless Trade https://untfsurvey.org/
World Bank Group World Bank Blog: ePhyto - Promoting safe and efficient trade https://blogs.worldbank.org/trade/ephyto-promoting-safe-and-efficient-trade


Organization Title Link
IPPC ePhyto Newsletters https://www.ippc.int/en/ephyto/ephyto-newsletters/

Electronic sanitary certificates for trade in animal products - Opportunities and challenges


Digital Opportunities for SPS Systems and the Trade
Facilitation Effects of SPS Electronic Certification

STDF Virtual Library
UNCTAD Kiribati - Rapid eTrade Readiness Assessment https://unctad.org/en/PublicationsLibrary/dtlstict2019d15_en.pdf
UNECE Digital and Sustainable Trade Facilitation UNECE Regional Report 2021 https://unece.org/trade/publications/digital-and-sustainable-trade-facilitation-unece-regional-report-2021
UNECE National Trade Facilitation Roadmap of the Kyrgyz Republic 2021-2025 https://unece.org/info/Trade/pub/357445
UNESCAP Readiness Assessments for Cross-Border Paperless Trade https://www.unescap.org/resources/readiness-assessments-cross-border-paperless-trade


Organization Title Dates Place Link