
Using P-IMA to prioritize SPS Capacity Building options in Ethiopia- 2022

Between 2021 and May 2022, COMESA and the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) supported the application of the P-IMA framework as part of a joint STDF and EIF supported project. The report, which was validated by national stakeholders in May 2022, is available here

Past application of P-IMA in Ethiopia- 2012

COMESA and USAID/USDA worked with SPS stakeholders in Ethiopia to use the P-IMA framework in August 2012. Representatives of public and private sector stakeholders participated in a stakeholder workshop to agree on SPS capacity building options to be included in the analysis. National experts playing a leading role in the P-IMA work came from the phytosanitary services, the Ministry of Trade, academia, the Ministry of Health, and UNIDO.

Ethiopia MCDA Report June 2013