
Prioritizing SPS Investment Options in Zambia

In 2015, COMESA facilitated work in Zambia to use the P-IMA framework to prioritize SPS investment options related to market access, with support from the United States Department of Agriculture. Public and private sector stakeholders in Zambia participated in a stakeholder workshop on 31 August 2015 to identify SPS investment options, and discuss decision criteria and weights. A small team of experts – from the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) and the Indaba Agriculture Policy Research Institute (IAPRI) – subsequently led the data collection and analysis work, documented and discussed the findings with stakeholders, and finalized a report describing the process and priorities identified.

This work built on a pilot application of the P-IMA framework in June 2011, which was facilitated by the STDF Secretariat.